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Tips for Planting Indoors

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

There is nothing that brings the outdoors inside better than plant life. Plants will add that natural element to your home that it may be missing from your design. If you have not planted inside prior, you may want to weigh out some of your options. You can have easy to maintain plants like bamboo and more difficult plants like orchids. Plants come in all different shapes and sizes. You should research plants before buying them and consider if they are pet-friendly, shade tolerant, need direct sunlight, need extra humidity, and if they are easy to kill.


Consider how much you are willing to invest in your plant. Some plants can just be temporary like cut roses you sit in a vase for a couple of days, whereas others may be around for quite some time. Also, determine how big your plant will get and if it will eventually need to be moved outside. Plants are great to put as a centerpiece on tables and even as accent trees in corners.


If you are worried about taking on your first plant, you can take on an easy plant like succulents or cacti. Low-maintenance plants should not die if you forget to water them. Also growing herbs in your kitchen like parsley or cilantro is a fun hobby if you like to cook. Try keeping your first plant in a room that you find yourself in most of the day as this will help you to remember to water it as well.


Maybe keeping a plant alive is not your thing; try faux plants. These are great for adding greenery to rooms and can be put in hard-to-reach areas as well. Faux plants are great because you have no maintenance, so you can put them just about anywhere in your home to add some green to the room. Try putting them up above your kitchen cabinets or even on a bookshelf. It is incredible what a little green plant can do to a room aesthetics.

Adding plants around your home is a great way to make it feel livelier. Keep plants by windows so they can get their needed sunlight and do not forget to water them. Whether you go with a beautiful bush or a cactus, this is a great addition for any home.


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