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DIY Guide for Installing Carpet | Part Three

Posted by Carpets N More under Carpet

One of the main sought-after features of carpet is its soft, warm comfort. The carpet padding you install under your carpet plays a significant role in your flooring’s comfort. Today, you will learn about carpet padding as well as how to install it in your home. Let’s take a look!


Now that your room is cleaned and prep, it is time to put down your new padding.  First, roll out your padding in the room.  Carve it right against the inside of your tackless strip using your carpet blade.  Padding can easily wear down your blade, so be prepared to switch your blades multiple times during this process.  A fresh blade will always make a clean cut and prevent tearing in the padding while cutting.  Use your pad stapler to secure your padding.  Be generous to ensure the padding will not move when you lay down your carpeting. Your padding will probably come in six-foot rolls; therefore, you will have seams.  Staple as close to the seam as possible all the way down put stable about every six inches.  Use your duct tape or masking tape to secure all your seams and tape the padding to the tackless strip (while allowing tacks to still breakthrough).  If your room is over concrete, you can only secure your padding with the tape and by adding pad glue.  Roll your padding and apply glue under your padding to secure it down.  You can pour your glue in a zig-zag spread and do not need to spread the glue.  For padding closets or smaller spaces, measure your area and pre-cut your pad for the installation allowing for a little access padding to be cut of when you carve into your padding.

Laying Your Carpet

Decide what way you want your carpet to lie in the room.  Carpet is directional and has a cross-grain, with-the-grain, and against-the-grain direction.  When you lay your carpet, you will need to make sure your carpet you seam is running the exact same direction.  Remember, this is best left for professionals, and seaming can be quite challenging in larger rooms.  Roll out your carpet in the room.  Choose one wall and make your carpet flush against it.  For your excess carpet, roll it back and cut the carpet to remove the excess, so it fits cleaner in the room.

As you can see, there are many steps to having your flooring installed perfectly. Each step serves a crucial part of the end-product. Check out Part 4 to finish off our series.


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