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Bathroom Inspiration

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

Many decorating advice books recommend reviewing magazines with photos of beautiful rooms for ideas, or visiting model homes. These are good suggestions, but really anything can inspire a room.

How about taking a chance by using a completely unrelated idea or theme to create a room? The bathroom in the photo was inspired by an afternoon of fun when a family played at creating oversized bubbles.

Looking at photos later, this mom decided to capture the images when she redecorated the family’s guest bathroom. Color, shape and shine combined to create a space that clearly echoes the balloon photo shown.

The half-globe sink started the process, reflecting the bubble theme in both shape and material. A circular mirror continued the imagery. Colors came from the bright glossy wall as well as towels and flowers. Shiny faucets and fixtures in chrome kept a bubble’s sun-touched look in the space.

Long-term goals for this bathroom include a back wall of glass tiles to strengthen the theme. Budget limitations postponed that part of the plan for a few months. You don’t have to finish every element at the same time. Sometimes a step-by-step plan works better for schedules and budgets.

Do you have a bathroom that’s due for remodeling? The small size almost gives you permission to be more daring with your decorating plans. Have some fun and create a memorable room by capturing a memory such as this one!

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