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Portrait of a Comfortable Room

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

How does this room make you feel? For most people, this space offers an invitation to walk in and make yourself comfortable.

The coffered ceiling, window casings, fireplace and built-in cupboard could be overwhelming with their strong presentation. However, gentle buttermilk walls contrast only slightly with the pure white of the architectural details, keeping every element low-key.

The flooring is a light oak. This is a perfect selection for the space’s traditional style. The oversize area rug has a soft tweedy pattern which adds another layer of design without outshining the rest of the room. Wood floors and area rugs are such a classic and inviting look and it works with almost any rug/floor combination.

One important element in creating an inviting space is light. By choosing simple light wood blinds, they can be pulled up during the day to take advantage of the sunshine and pulled down for privacy at night. In the evening, the ceiling light fixture combines with the lamp in the right corner to provide a warmly lighted space in the evening. Brightening up the corners with table lamps makes a room feel more welcoming.

Sofa and chair are of the same light sage green, adding color without taking over the room. The simple solid-color pillows can be requisitioned for a number of uses, but their gentle tones are also consistent with the soft nature of the room. Add in two round ottomans by the fireplace and this room is ready to make you comfortable.

What ideas from this room can you borrow to make your home more comfortable as well as lovely? Remember to design for your own comfort as well as your style preferences.


Decorating: Victorian Style

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

Reign of England’s Queen Victoria is where the decorating style “Victorian” evolved. During the 19th Century, this type of architecture and interior styling was most popular. Victorian style of decorating is not done half-heartedly. It is true to interior furnishings and architectural details specific to this time period. Below are some truly Victorian decorating tips.

1. Wall coverings: Wall coverings during this time period were dark hues of red, purple, green and blue. Patterns, if any, were stenciled on. These patterns tend to be smaller, motif type details.

2. Area rugs: Victorian style homes tend to look incomplete without an area rug or a carpet. When shopping for a rug, look for the deeper colors and smaller, tighter patterns.

3. Window coverings:  Draperies of this time period were most likely embroidered, or lacey, transparent fabrics. Heavier velvet type fabrics were used to overlap the embroidered or lacey sheer layer. The heavier fabrics were also used on simple cornice boards.

4. Vintage accessories: Old framed photographs and dark oil paintings were popular décor of this era. Beautifully carved clocks atop mantels were one of the most popular accessories of that time. Antiques and replicas of this time period are still around today. Finding them may require a little more effort, but they are out there for the finding!