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Fit for a Princess

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

Screen Shot 2013-02-07 at 1.52.01 PMThe popular fairy tale The Princess and The Pea tells the story of a very particular princess. Any parent of a little girl knows that their own little princess can be just as particular when it comes to her clothes, toys and room.

Designing a bedroom fit for a particular princess can be a challenge. It is important that your girl knows her opinions are being heard and considered while you the parents get the final say in the design of the room. Working together is the best way to achieve a design you are both pleased with in the end.

Choosing classic designs and materials will mean your room will endure the changing tastes and styles as your princess grows up. While your teenager may not like the same designs and colors as your toddler, there are some design elements that can please both. Good quality flooring is one of them.

Selecting a neutral floor for your girl’s room means finding something durable as well as classic to suit changing tastes. Neutral carpet that can go with various wall and linen colors is a good choice. Hardwood floors and soft area rugs are another. The hardwood will last over the years while the area rugs can be changed with changing tastes.

Classic floral wallpaper that isn’t too trendy or thematic is another design element that can outlast the latest fad. Select a wallpaper that works with your flooring for a polished design perfect for a little or big princess. A great solution is painting the walls a color she picks out and then adding wall decals that are easy to put up and take down if she decides to change her mind.

Has one of your children suggested that he or she temporarily move back home? This can happen for a number of reasons. It may be to reduce expenses while returning to school or after a layoff. It’s a good way to save money for a down payment on a home, or pay back some debts.

This can work very well, but don’t jump into it without some planning and discussion of expectations. This situation is not the same as it was when your child was in high school. Work together to figure out ground rules that work for all of you. Let’s consider some issues you may want to address.

First, agree on a plan for the stay. This should include specific goals, a timeframe, and the amount of money your child will save or use to pay debts. The next part of the plan is specifics on what expenses the child will cover and any responsibilities taken on around the house. It’s important not to slip into the old parent-child relationship. This means that parents do not do their laundry or clean up after them. Include real consequences for not meeting the plan, up to and including having your child move out.

Determine which space or spaces will be given to your child for the duration of the stay. You do not have to give your child his or her old bedroom if it is not convenient. It would be good if the space includes a private bathroom. Don’t feel obligated to redecorate in any permanent way for his or her stay. Leave the flooring, but you may want to encourage the addition of an area rug to personalize the space. Paint, some of their own furniture and art will help make the space theirs.

Finally, don’t expect to exert the same kind of discipline that you used when your child was young. It is no longer appropriate. However, you do have the right to ensure that your comfort and convenience are not affected. Be sure to request notice about which meals he or she will be home for, and ask them to stay quiet if coming in late in the evening.

With these issues covered, you are all in for a more pleasant time while sharing your home with your child as an adult.