Red wine, mud, even pet stains, we have all been there. Carpet stains can be tricky to clean and the longer they sit, the harder they will be to remove! But have no fear, here are four awesome tips and tricks to help you remove different kinds of stubborn stains.
Help! How to Clean My Carpet Stains:
1. Red Wine
Red wine can be tricky. To start, you will need to collect some items from around your home. Grab clear, mild dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, saran wrap, white vinegar, and some paper towels. Apply with a damp, white rag and mix together a cup of warm water with a quarter cup of your detergent. After, apply your 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide or a teaspoon of ammonia and let it sit under your saran wrap for a couple hours with applied weight. Next, you will need to use white vinegar to neutralize it. Absorb remaining stains and liquids with a paper towel and let sit a couple hours underneath a weighted object.
**Keep an eye on the solution and never leave it unattended.
2. Mud
With mud, you will need clear, mild dishwashing detergent, warm water, a dish brush, paper towels and a vacuum with a scrub brush. Do not scrub with the scrub brush, just tap and clean up as much dirt as possible. Break up the remaining mud particles with a toothbrush or dish brush and remember not to scrub in access dirt. Use a cup of warm water with 1/4 cup (mild, no dye) detergent and apply to stain. Apply paper towels on top and keep pressure to absorb up material. You will want to leave a heavy object on paper towels for several hours to ensure absorption.
**Keep an eye on the solution and never leave it unattended.
3. Pet Urine
Grab clear, mild dishwashing detergent, ammonia, white vinegar, clean, dry cloths, and some paper towels. Apply a cup of warm water with 1/4 cup of detergent and pat with a white cloth. Remember to pat the area so you do not soak the urine into the padding. Apply ammonia and some white vinegar to the area using a cloth. Do not attempt to soak the area with these materials. After the stain is removed, soak up access with paper towels for several hours by leaving a heavy object on top.
**Keep an eye on the solution and never leave it unattended.
4. Wax
Grab a white cotton towel large enough to absorb all the wax, a grease/tar remover, and a clothing iron. You will need to melt the wax to remove it but also be careful to not scorch the carpet fibers. Put your cotton cloth over wax stain and underneath the iron. Absorb as much of the wax as possible and be careful to not burn yourself or the carpet. After, grab your non-oil base grease and tar removal product. Mix with a cup of warm water and a quarter cup detergent. Pat this onto the remaining stain until gone. Soak up access with paper towels and leave sit for several hours.
**Never soak your carpet when cleaning it and make sure to soak up all access water so it is not absorbed into the pad.
We recommend checking with your carpet manufacturer for specifics on cleaning but using these helpful tools can be a great start. This should help you with some of the most common household stains but keep in mind carpet is never guaranteed to be stain resistant.
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