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Archive for the ‘Website Tools’ Category

Having trouble figuring out what design style is best suited to your home?  Our Lifestyle Quiztool is here to help!  Answering targeted questions about family size, pets, special needs and your overall budget will assist us in recommending the appropriate selections in home decor and colors.  Having a precise list of suggestions will better equip you to make the right decision for your design project.

Each set of questions will focus on your everyday needs.  If there are small children in the home with a specific play area, the tool will recommend age-appropriate and functional pieces that are safe and make it easy for you to keep the room organized.  Information about your pets can also be useful in providing storage ideas for toys, food and grooming tools.  Hobbies like painting or scrapbooking, which may need a designated space in your home, are also accounted for when you answer the provided queries. 

The more information you provide, the better the results.  Let this tool take the guesswork out of finding function and style in every room of your home.  It may even help you realize that some of your current items are not the best at taking care of your current needs.  If this is the case, there will be recommendations for different pieces that can help you achieve the look you want while still serving their specific purpose.  Learning as much as you can about yourself and your family’s needs will make this service worthwhile. 

While information about what you currently need in your home is essential, remember to include information about new ideas that you want to implement so your results can be properly adjusted to accommodate them.  This will prevent you from having to go through the questions again once you are ready to renovate. 

Not only does this tool provide suggestions on furniture and complementary color designs, it also includes the recommended cleaning advice for each item in your plan.  Knowing how each product needs to be maintained will help keep them looking fresh and new.  Check out our Lifestyle Quiztool today and get started making your home beautiful and purposeful! 


Take the Lifestyle Quiz

Posted by Carpets N More under Website Tools

Have you ever wondered which type of floor is the best for the life you lead?  Should you choose carpet?  Or would hardwood work better in your home?  Are there situations where laminate would be better than natural stone?  How can you decide?

We have you covered!  On our website, we offer a powerful online tool that will help everyone with these choices. This tools shows how to match lifestyle needs with interior selections, finishes, requirements and much more. Once the quiz is completed you will see helpful suggestions to help you achieve a balanced home that fits right into your life style.

The quiz asks relevant questions regarding your lifestyle. It takes into account the daily activities and interests in your life. It also asks questions regarding to the people who live in the household and encompasses everyone’s needs. Asking the right questions about who lives in the home and what they do in turn offers suggestions about what types of materials will work best in the home. The suggestions cover floor type, lighting and added space needs.

The quiz determines your needs and helps you create a plan. Whether the plan is to turn a spare room into an office, arts and crafts area or a home gym, this tool gives you a starting point and a direction to go. The suggestions offer answers to existing questions and may cover aspects that you may not have thought about yet!

A home should be a reflection of the family or individual, as well as providing for the needs of the family and pets that live there. The information in this online tool goes beyond making finish selections for you. It gives options and explains each. A home should work with its inhabitants and make everyone comfortable, from extended family to guests and pets!

The quiz lets you know what materials to utilize, how to use them and even suggestions for your lifestyle.

Find out today what your home needs to help create the optimal interior environment!  Try the Lifestyle Quiz today! 


Virtual Room Designer

Posted by Carpets N More under Website Tools

One of our favorite tools is our Virtual Room Designer. This tool enables you to visualize a variety of floor designs and materials in many different types of rooms. This can be incredibly helpful when you are just beginning to decide what kinds of flooring you want to use in the room you are redesigning. 

It can feel overwhelming when you first begin exploring the myriad of options there are and you might feel like there is so much to choose from it feels impossible to know where to start. But with this tool, you can easily picture what different flooring looks like from the comfort of your own home before you come in to visit our store.

The first step is to get online and head to to get started with our Virtual Room Designer. Below we will walk you through how to use this tool to illustrate how this feature of our website can be helpful to someone who is trying to decide on what flooring will be best for them.  

Once you have pulled up the link above in your web browser the first step is to identify what room it is that you are going to be designing. For example, say you are going to be changing the flooring in your kitchen—you would first click on the kitchen option. Below several options will appear and you can choose from these options which kitchen matches yours the best.

Next the picture you choose will bring up a window where you can try different materials in the room. This is the best part of the tool because it allows you to visually picture what kinds of flooring would look best with what you already have in your room. For example, you have chosen the kitchen that best matches your kitchen. You will then choose from the ‘type’ drop down menu, picking between things such as hardwood or ceramic tile. Once you’ve made your selection you can narrow your search based on brand, product and color group if you need to.

Have fun and try all different types of flooring! You never know what combination might look best and you might even try something you hadn’t thought of before. It could surprise you as your favorite! Once you have a selection of your favorite flooring come in to one of our locations and we will help you decide what flooring works best for your needs and your home.


Design Styles

Posted by Carpets N More under Website Tools

Last week we posted an article on our website tool Ask Kerry.  This week, we’d like to share our Style Gallery tool with you.  Our Style Gallery allows you to browse five different styles and see which matches you best.

If you click on the “Design Tools” box in the bottom left corner of our homepage, it will direct you to all of our website tools.  From there, click on “Design Styles” and it will direct you to the correct page. 

The five styles are:

  1. Italian Impressions
  2. Rustic Reflections
  3. Seaside Simplicity
  4. Stately Elegance
  5. Urban Chic

Choose whichever you think will fit your style best, you will then be directed to a page explaining the particular style, why it suits you, and how you obtain the style in your home with decorating tips.  We hope you find this tool useful!


Ask Kerry

Posted by Carpets N More under Uncategorized, Website Tools

One of our favorite website tools is our “Ask Kerry” feature.  We have our very own expert that you can access from our website.  There are a variety of questions that have been asked before that we have posted; however, if you don’t see your question on our list, you can click here and send her an email.

On the left side of the page, you’ll see a list with different navigation links for our website.  If you click on “Ask Kerry”, it will take you straight to her page.  There are four different categories that you can chose from for your question; they are Flooring, Kitchen, Bath & Design.  Feel free to ask any question that you have regarding any of these categories.  Once your question has been asked, you should receive an email response from Kerry shortly after.  Enjoy!


Ask Kerry

Posted by Carpets N More under Uncategorized, Website Tools

One of our favorite website tools is our “Ask Kerry” feature.  We have our very own expert that you can access from our website.  There are a variety of questions that have been asked before that we have posted; however, if you don’t see your question on our list, you can click here and send her an email.

On the left side of the page, you’ll see a list with different navigation links for our website.  If you click on “Ask Kerry”, it will take you straight to her page.  There are four different categories that you can chose from for your question; they are Flooring, Kitchen, Bath & Design.  Feel free to ask any question that you have regarding any of these categories.  Once your question has been asked, you should receive an email response from Kerry shortly after.  Enjoy!