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Expert Tips for Remodeling Your Home

Posted by Carpets N More under Remodeling 101

Remodeling your home for resale can be a challenging process. There are several factors that you will want to take into consideration when renovating. To help our customers before they begin the remodeling process, we created a simple guide. We have compiled four simple tips for transforming your space into a buyer’s paradise.

Expert Tips for Remodeling Your Home: 

  1. Hit The Bullseye. It is important for homeowners to know their target market when selling their home. Your home is not just about you and your preferences anymore. You are trying to make your home someone else’s dream and help them to realize that they belong in your home. In order to do that, you need to take into consideration your area. Are you in a great school district? If so, that may attract younger families, and you will want to make your home a family-friendly atmosphere. Make sure you provide extra storage to put a mom’s mind at ease. If you are in an older resident community, you will want to target those buyers appropriately as well. Make sure that your home has slip-free surfaces to help them feel comfortable living on their own.
  2. Fit In. This is the one time that we will say that “being average” is better than “being different.” You will need to have a firm grasp on your neighborhood and the homes in it. You do not want to be the most expensive house on the block because odds are you will not see a return on investment. Take some time to research your area and the prices of homes in your neighborhood.
  3. Be Accurate. You want to invest in the rooms that buyers find most important; therefore, you will want to focus on the kitchen and bathrooms. Buyers know that is an easy fix to change the bedrooms, but they want a good kitchen and bathroom. Plan your budget to incorporate changing these rooms. They are essential in the home buying process. But be aware, you do not want to go overboard on upgrades in these rooms. These rooms are the most expensive to upgrade; therefore, you will want to make conscious updates within your budget. Take some time to see what needs to traditional.
  4. Always a Classic. Instead of going bold and trendy with upgrades, stick to the classics that everyone enjoys. Odds are that you will find a buyer who will appreciate these classic factors of your home. If you are uncertain about something, ask your contractor for their advice. They have seen the ins and outs of this industry, and their expertise can really help.

We hope you enjoyed these four simple tips and if you are looking to upgrade your home’s flooring before you sell, we would love to help you. Look around our online catalog for a convenient shopping experience right at home!


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