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Tips for Babyproofing Your House

Posted by Carpets N More under Family Living

Having your first baby can be exciting! Your home is the sanctuary your child will be raised in, and everything must be perfect. You aspire to give your child the best and safest life possible; however, your home is not childproof yet, and the baby is on the way! Everything must be perfect, and you have never done this before in your life! The stress is common, so just relax, take a deep breath. These three simple tricks can get your home childproof and baby friendly, quickly and efficiently:


Your first and utmost responsibility is your child’s safety. Babies will crawl around and bump into anything they can. Make sure that nothing can fall off tabletops or counters if the baby pushes it. You may want to provide soft surfaces in your home in rooms the infant will be. Carpet and rugs are both child-friendly for falls. Keep in mind your daily responsibilities, for example, hot liquids like coffee should not be left unattended. You will also need to keep a keen eye out for any choking hazards and remove them from the room.


You will also want to create a nursery or a bedroom for your child. All outlets should have outlet covers, soft flooring should be installed, and dangerous corners of furniture should be covered. You can decorate the nursery however you would like and what fits best for your baby. You may want to have a chair to sit in, a changing station, and toys readily available.


Put together some supplies prior to your baby’s arrival. Diapers, rash ointment, first-aid kits, and baby soap are a good start. You may want a baby monitor for when you are not in the room as well. Do not forget to invest in feeding bottles, pacifiers, sippy cups, and a stroller. All these investments bought pre-birth can save you time! If you are looking to save money, having a baby shower or sprinkle can help you acquire items that you may not be able to afford on your own.

We are excited for you, and congratulations on your baby! Get your home baby ready with these simple tactics. Do not stress and slowly get your supplies. This is an experience of a lifetime.


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