Four Ways to Highlight Exposed Brick

These days, homeowners are eagerly tearing the plaster off their walls and leaving the brick beneath it exposed. Whether you have a rustic brick, stacked stone, or an easy to install veneer, you can create a feature wall by highlighting it with lighting. However, simply uncovering a wall or installing a brick or stone veneer is not enough to truly capture the masonry effect inside or outside the home. To help, check out these five ways that you can emphasize exposed brick or stone to its fullest:
Wash Lighting
If your exposed brick or stone walls have some imperfections, you can create a smoother look with a wash lighting effect. A wash lighting effect is often used on different types of surfaces. This effect is done by moving the lighting source a bit further from the wall than you usually would. In essence, creating some distance between the bulbs or fixtures allows the light to spread out evenly. As a result, you will see that the cracks and mortar joints look more filled. That being said, if you decide to create this effect, it is important to get the spacing just right. If the lighting fixtures are placed too far from the exposed wall, you will cause a distraction with dark and bright spots.
Graze Lighting
The best way to highlight natural exposed stone or brick is with the graze lighting effect. Grazing is a method in which the source of lighting is installed directly above the wall so that the light washes down the wall. You will have to play around with this lighting arrangement because the results are dependent on the texture of the wall.
We are used to seeing the light illuminating upwards. That is why uplighting creates such a dramatic lighting effect. Lighting a stone wall from the floor up creates great emphasis since it is unexpected. Uplighting is the reverse effect of grazing, and it will bring out the texture of masonry. This type of lighting effect will also reflect light across the entire room, which adds additional comfort to the space.
Sconces and Pendant
Recessed lighting fixtures such as sconces and pendants can help you showcase masonry features. Sconces push light both up and down the wall providing a grazing and uplighting effect. Pendant lights add a beautiful glow whileLED strips will illuminate the wall.
Are you feeling inspired? Let us know which of these four ideas you like best in the comment section.
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