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Reader Question:

I have a small half-bath downstairs that has no windows for natural light. How do I decorate this to make the space inviting?


A bathroom like this may seem like a challenge. In reality, it provides a unique opportunity to be creative and daring in your decorating. The small size allows you to spend more per square foot on flooring and other options without breaking your budget.

What you need to do is change your perspective. Move your thinking from small to special. You can create a “jewel box” bathroom by making choices that help the room shine.

Hesitant to use color? Here is an opportunity to experiment. Consider glass tiles on one wall. If you prefer a neutral finish, look at some of the decorative tiles with texture. Pull the sink backsplash all the way up to the ceiling. Like granite? With the small countertop in your half-bath, you can probably find a piece at a good price.

Forget about a medicine cabinet. It’s really not necessary in a guest bath. How about a dramatic mirror with lots of personality? Consider a pedestal sink also. The extra visible flooring will make the space seem larger.

Finish up your jewel box with just the right light fixture. Think outside the box – how about a small crystal chandelier? Finally, experiment with paint or even wallpaper in a daring pattern – not too dark – and you will have a guest bath that will get your company talking!

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