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Flooring Choices For Later Years

Posted by Carpets N More under Installation

When selecting flooring for homes occupied by older adults it is important to be cognizant of a few key issues. Most importantly, the flooring should be well padded and provide good traction to limit and protect against falls. Secondly, maintenance should be fairly easy as older persons tend to not only tire quickly but have a fixed income which limits continuous professional maintenance.

Cork and linoleum are two excellent choices as there is usually a padded subfloor between these materials and the base floor. Due to the fairly thin materials used, cork and linoleum both adopt the quality of the layer in which they cover. Both of these choices are also extremely easy to clean. Cork, while more affordable than linoleum, has higher maintenance costs attached, as it must be sealed at least once per year to protect against stains. It is also highly susceptible to water damage so is a not an option for bathrooms.

Vinyl flooring is another low maintenance material available on the market. Unlike cork it can resist water damage, is stain proof and does not have high upkeep costs.  Like the other two flooring choices mentioned, a subfloor can soften the feel underfoot. The biggest drawback is its non-renewable properties. 

If sustainability is important to the homeowner, rubber flooring can be one wonderful but more expensive option. It has great traction, is very soft, water resistant and even fire proof. It is fairly simple to clean, however as mentioned earlier the initial installation costs can be quite high.

Carpeting is one of the more popular floorings found in homes occupied by the elderly. While upkeep can get expensive it undoubtedly is the softest underfoot. Furthermore its woven strands act as insulators so it remains fairly warm in the winter and cuts down on additional costs of having to install insulated floor panels. However, carpet can stain if not properly maintained.

Each flooring option has its own benefits and drawbacks. Weigh your priorities in terms of costs, maintenance and safety against personal preferences.  The staff at Carpets N More is happy to help with any questions you may have.  

  1. Kacee Carpets Said,

    Thanks for a great post, don’t forget carpet as a flooring acts as an air filter stopping the dust from rising like with Vinyl and Laminates

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