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Have you recently cleaned out your closet? It’s not an easy chore but it simply must be done on a regular basis if you hope to have a sane experience when you get dressed each day. Did you know, though, that there now exists some really cool options for the getting rid of the clothing you no longer want? They all smartly translate into ways to save money on the new clothes you plan to buy! Try one or all of these three suggestions!

  1. Visit a local retail resale shop. There are chains such as Buffalo Exchange and Plato’s Closet, and nearly every town has at least one resell shop. Your best bet is to locate several. Then, you can go to each of them until you’ve gotten rid of everything. Shops usually have very specific buying criteria so a dress that goes unwanted at one shop might just the thing a different shop is looking to add to their inventory. Also, ask whether they are a resale shop or a consignment store. Resale shops buy the clothes from you and take on the responsibility of reselling them. They typically offer either a cash payment option or a trade option that is a slightly higher value than the cash.  If you work with a consignment store they will sell the garment on your behalf and split the profit with you, but you aren’t paid until the item actually sells. This makes it a lengthier process, but it’s not uncommon to ultimately make more money on the sale than you would from an outright buy at a resell shop.
  2. Sell your clothing on Ebay. The site offers plenty of easy guides and tutorials to get you started. One very important pointer: Use great photos! People don’t typically respond to listings on Ebay that show poor photos of the item.
  3. Join an online resale community. This is the newest, coolest option to recently emerge in the online consumer market. And, it’s fun! Like Ebay, you list your items and then mail them when they sell. Instead of cash though, you earn credit to spend on items other people have listed. They typically give you 20% of the cut, and the site features a pretty platform that includes pin-boards and a feed like Pinterest. Some feature online parties too! Two popular sites are Poshmark and Threadflip. 


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