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Understanding Color Part 3

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating


Understanding Color Part 3: Color Blending from Room to Room

Now that you have that dream home with a great room approach, are you feeling concerned about how to use color? One color can feel boring, but too many different colors in one space can cause color overload. The easiest way to handle this decorating challenge is to select three colors that work well together, and feature one of the three in each space: kitchen, dining room and family room.

Not sure which three colors to use? Start with the furniture you already have, and decide which colors you want to keep that will work in the space. The next place to visit to choose color options is an upholstery fabric store. You will find many patterns that feature your three colors together, and you may find one that you can use as a color tool. Make sure you set your colors against your flooring and paint choices, to make sure they all work together.

The next step involves determining which color will be the focal color in each space. Do light cabinets in your kitchen beg for a dark, rich contrast color? Could your dining table’s dark wood benefit from a bright color? Is the sofa anchoring your family room covered in a dark red that will be a perfect choice for one of your three colors? Once you locate your focal colors, use curtains, pillows, table linens and accessories to pull those colors across the entire great room’s space, so that areas are clearly defined, but everything links together.

If you missed Part 1, click here and if you missed Part 2, click here!