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Turn Wardrobe Tips into Décor Tips – Part 8

Posted by creatingyourspace under Rita Wilson Tips

Number eight in our collection of Rita Wilson tips is actually a combination of two of her suggestions: “If you travel a lot, have a packed toiletries bag ready to go,” and “There are one thousand stylish things you can wear while traveling…” Now, we’re not going anywhere right now. We just bought our house, or just fixed it up, and we’re very happy, thank you.

However, eventually you may want to sell your home. Whether due to a job transfer, a life change, or the desire for more room, the average homeowner stays in a home about five years. So when you’re choosing your permanent home finishes, pause at least a minute to consider the affect of your choices on the home’s resale potential. I’m not saying you have to make the home satisfy-everyone-beige. However I am suggesting that even if you love a blue kitchen, maybe the best place to show your color preference is in accessories and paint rather than countertops.

It’s your home and you have every right to make it totally your own. Just keep the resale issue tucked away in a part of your brain as you make your flooring and other permanent home choices. Your salesperson can be a great resource in this area.

Because someday you may want to take a trip to a new home, make choices so that this home will support your goals then as well as now.

To see the other tips in this series, click here.

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