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The Four Seasons of Decorating: Winter

In the cold weather, a warm winter room makes the season more inviting and enjoyable. After a day of cold and snow, you can escape to a room that makes the best of winter.

With a winter space, think warmth and coziness. The perfect flooring for winter is rich, deep carpeting. Sink your feet in their thick socks into a cushioned plush or an attractive sculptured carpet. Whatever your preference, soft flooring takes the sting out of the coldest months.

You can take a chance with dark colors in your winter room. Consider a rich brown for the walls, accented with creams and ivories in your fabrics. Remember texture – just like every snowflake, mix a variety of textures as well as patterns to create your winter room. For window coverings, how about velvet curtains? Reaching from the ceiling to the floor, their warmth will complement your winter space.

If you have a fireplace, make it the focal point. Angle your furniture so that everyone can sit and watch the fire on long winter evenings. Don’t forget lighting. With early sunsets, a few lamps tucked into the corners of rooms, or a bevy of candles for special occasions, makes a winter room extra cozy.

Holiday accents make great accessories, and don’t forget a few soft throws to wrap around you on chilly nights. Now, light your candles and get settled in that deep armchair. Your winter room adds warmth to the season.

For the other seasons, click here.

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