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Creating an Attractive Universal Design Bath

Posted by Carpets N More under Bathroom Blogfest

As part of this year’s Bathroom Blogfest, we’d like to spend a moment talking about Universal Design using this room scene.

The bathroom in this photo has an interesting design – contemporary with a natural touch. What you may not have noticed is that the bath is also designed for accessibility.

If you look a bit more closely, you can see that this bathroom is wheelchair-friendly. The sink has open space underneath to allow a wheelchair to slide in closely. The towel rack is within easy reach of someone who is seated.

Take a look at the storage unit toward the back. It is on casters, allowing it to be moved out of the way for easier maneuvering, but positioned when needed anywhere in the room.

Where is the mirror for a seated person? If you could open the door of the storage cupboard on the left, you would see a mirror set on the door at the perfect height for viewing from a chair. This cabinet also has all its storage in easy reach from a wheelchair. The higher mirrors and medicine cabinets indicate that this bathroom is used by two or more people, one standing.

Manufacturers recently have begun to design products that meet varied mobility needs without sacrificing style. Check in with your salesperson to find out some of the beautiful pieces that are also functional for those of limited mobility. In the long term, there are definite advantages to having a bathroom that is well designed and more accessible.

You can follow along with other Bathroom Blogfesters by visiting the Bathroom Blogfest Facebook page as well as on Twitter @bathroomblogfes.

  1. C.B. Whittemore Said,

    Shannon, it’s a great topic and so relevant as we get older. Thanks for addressing it in Bathroom Blogfest 2010!


  2. creatingyourspace Said,

    Thanks! It’s a topic that a lot of Carpets N More customers ask about. Glad you liked it and thank for the comment.

  3. Carpet UK Said,

    I think the functional utility of a bathroom is well emphasized as the aesthetics.

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