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Employee Profile: Adam Chesin

Posted by Carpets N More under Employee profile

adam-headshotIn an effort to help you get to know our team a little better, here’s the profile of Adam Chesin!

What is your name and position with your company?
My name is Adam Chesin.  I am the Retail Sales Manager for Carpets N More in Las Vegas.  I do whatever I can to provide the highest quality flooring service to the residents of Southern Nevada.
How long have you been with the company?

I have been with the company for just over three years, and many more to come.

What is your favorite thing about your company?
I really enjoy the fact that the majority of people that work here have been working here for a long time.  It makes for a whole new level of trust and camaraderie between employees.

What do you think makes your company unique?
Carpets N More is completely unique in the sense that we do it all; commercial work, builder accounts, property management, and retail.  On top of that, we have a one of a kind retail showroom with a layout that I have never seen anywhere else.

Do you have a memorable customer experience that you can share?
I went out to a customer’s home for a customer service issue.  He was absolutely livid about something that was pretty minor and easily fixable.  After being yelled at for a solid 10 minutes, I apologized and explained that we would fix it immediately and what it would take to execute.  The gentleman, who was probably in his sixties, was pleased with my remedy and offered me a glass of iced tea.  I graciously accepted and went on to shoot pool at his house for 3 hours to follow.  He now comes into my store on occasion simply to visit.

Why should a customer choose your company over a box store or another retail store?
We are real with our customers.  We don’t tell them that we are going to install their whole house for $99, then double to triple the price on everything else.  Our prices are not only fair, they are nearly unbeatable.  Bring in a quote from a box store and we can almost guarantee to beat it.

What is the best part about your position?
I like meeting a very large variety of people that come into the store every day.  It runs the gambit from an elderly lady who grew up in my small hometown in Minnesota to the Director of Marketing for the MGM to professional ball players and famous actors.

Why do you think customers should purchase from our company rather than another store?
We will do anything to make sure that things go as smooth as possible with your entire experience here.  If there are any unforeseen hiccups along the way, we will do anything in our power to make sure that you are completely happy in the end regardless.

What’s your favorite floor in your home and why?
My absolute favorite floor in my house is a 6×9 area in my living room.  You guessed it; I have to coolest looking area rug you will ever see.  Besides that, I love the travertine that I have in my kitchen and dining room.

If you could have any product that your company sells in your home what would it be?
There is a natural stone that we sell called Pakistan green onyx.  I can’t even describe how sweet it looks nor can I really describe what it looks like.  Check it out on Google and prepare to be amazed.

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