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Removing Chocolate From Carpet

Posted by Carpets N More under Care and Maintenance, Holiday

We hope you had an eventful Valentine’s Day this year!  One of our favorite things about this holiday is chocolate!  We also know that a chocolate stain in carpet can be somewhat nerve racking; therefore, we thought we’d share some tips with you on how to remove a chocolate stain from carpet.

Solvent – A non-flammable spot removal solution, or dry cleaning type solvent, is preferred. Exercise caution when using a solvent. Never pour it directly onto the carpet or allow it to reach the backing, because it can damage the latex that holds the primary and secondary backings together.  Acceptable solvents include Carbona®, Energine®, K2R®, Goof-Off®, etc

Detergent Solution – Mix one fourth (1/4) teaspoon of a liquid dishwashing detergent per one (1) cup of lukewarm water. NEVER USE A STRONGER CONCENTRATION! Thorough rinsing is necessary to remove detergent residues that may cause rapid soiling. It may be necessary to rinse with warm water several times to completely remove residues. (See Residue Precautions.)  Care should be used in selecting a detergent.  Never use a laundry detergent of any type, because laundry detergents may contain optical brighteners (fluorescent dyes) that dye the fiber. Do not select an automatic dishwashing detergent because many contain bleaching agents that destroy dyes and some fibers.

Vinegar Solution – Mix one (1) cup of white vinegar per two (2) cups of water. White vinegar is a 5% acetic acid solution.  It is used most often to lower the alkalinity caused by detergent solutions or alkaline spills.

Warm Water – Lukewarm tap water should be used in most cases to rinse the cleaning solutions from the fiber. Failure to completely rinse the solutions from the fiber may cause accelerated soiling.

Ammonia Solution – Mix one (1) tablespoon of household ammonia per cup of water. Please note: Be aware that ammonia, if used improperly, can cause a color change.  Be sure to test a hidden area.

Call a Professional – Professional cleaners have the ability and the equipment to use more aggressive cleaning solutions to remove stubborn spills.  Always consider consulting a professional cleaner regarding any spot removal question.  Carpet & Rug Institute – 1-800-882-8846


A Romantic Indoor Picnic

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating, Holiday

Would you like to take a break from the everyday priorities of life and plan for a bit of romance? Valentine’s Day is around the corner, but on a birthday, anniversary or just for the fun of it, it’s nice to let your honey know that he or she is still special to you.

To begin, take a look around your house to choose a location to create a romantic indoor picnic. If you have a fireplace, that’s a great choice. Other possibilities would be a window with a view, a corner of the family room, or the center of a den.

If the flooring is tile or wood, grab some area rugs from other parts of the house. If the room is carpeted, you can still put at least one rug down to anchor your romantic space. You may want to pile two or three on top of each other to create a cushioned spot that resembles the feel of a Moroccan or gypsy tent. Don’t be afraid to mix colors.  Add some pillows and position a small tablecloth or scarf in the middle for serving the food.

Complete your décor with the fresh flowers of your choice and candles. For the cushioned area, using the new LED lights that resemble votives such as the ones in the photo are much safer and worry free.

Choose favorite foods for your lunch or dinner. Finger foods are easier to manage when sitting on the floor. While it’s fun to make this event a surprise, you may want to ask your sweetie to bring some wine, just to provide a hint that a fun evening is planned.

Once you’re finished, take a step back and make sure everything looks inviting. Turn off the room’s lights, creating an island of warmth in the room. For a final touch, pull apart one of the flowers and sprinkle the petals around the area. Now you’ve created the right atmosphere for romance!