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How To Utilize Your Outdoor Space:

Posted by Carpets N More under Natural Stone, Outdoor

Do you wish to utilize all the available space of your home, even outdoor space? Below are some questions to ask yourself before you start:

Q1. How much useable space do you have to work with?

Really consider the useable space available. You may have an acre of space in your yard, but if 75% is a steep hill plunging into a creek and 25% is relatively flat…you really only have the 25% of flat yard available to work with.

Q2. Do you know of anyone (family or friend) who has special needs and might be frequenting your place?

For instance…your mother comes over every Sunday for dinner and is in a wheelchair. Take into consideration how a wheelchair or walker would handle on your lawn.

How would a wheelchair user get from inside to your outdoor kitchen? Are there steps leading down to your yard? If anyone has special needs, a smooth transition from indoors to outdoors is required.  There are great natural stone and outdoor tile options that allow this transition to happen.

During the design planning process remember to be realistic and consider who will be using the space!