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Three Styles Used for Backsplash Patterns

Posted by Carpets N More under Backsplash

When updating or installing a new kitchen backsplash, exploring the patterns and designs available on the market is imperative. Whether your goal is to “wow” guests with an elaborate design or to add a simplistic style to your kitchen, picking the appropriate backsplash pattern is essential so that it can serve as a complement to your kitchen’s decor. To help, you can gain some inspiration from these main types of backsplash patterns:

Focal Point Pattern

The traditional focal point backsplash pattern consists of backsplashes that are at least 18-inches in height. This offers you the option of framing the interior portion with a row of 4-inch tiles at the top and bottom. The interior can be filled in diagonally with the 4-inch pieces to create a traditional look. In essence, you are framing the center backsplash which creates a focal point.

Transition Border Pattern

The transition border pattern is a modern spin on the traditional tile installation. Consider installing a row of tiles at the bottom of the backsplash and using a glass mosaic pattern to border the top portion row. You can set the remaining field tiles above it into the cabinetry area.

The Contemporary Stacked Pattern

You can use the traditional tileset to make a bold statement. Start off by selecting a rectangular shape tile as opposed to the 3×6 subway style tiles and opt for something more modern such as a 2×8. Stack them horizontally on top of one another to form rows. This is a great way to bring a modern and sleek look to your kitchen. Remember, the type of backsplash material used can further enhance the look.

Which type of pattern was your favorite? Let us know below in the comment section.


Four Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Tile

Posted by Carpets N More under Flooring, Hints and Tips, Tile

Are you planning on installing new tiles in the bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom? If so, you have already tackled half the challenge by purchasing a tile that you feel best fits your home’s interior. If you are thinking about cutting out the middleman and laying down the tile yourself, it is important to educate yourself about the process fully. If you are not a professional contractor, it is easy to make mistakes. While we always recommend going with one of our trusted professionals, we have you covered. Here are four mistakes that first-timers are bound to make:

Failing to Purchase Enough Tiles

Perhaps the biggest mistake that people make when launching a tiling project is failing to purchase enough tiles. There is nothing worse than seeing your tiling project coming together only to realize a little too late that you did not purchase enough tiles to complete the project. To ensure that you have enough tiles, be sure to get accurate measurements of the area you are tiling and purchase 10-15% tiles than you need just in case you make a mistake.

Inadequate Adhesive

When purchasing adhesive to hold your tiles together, it is crucial to invest in a quality adhesive. This is especially important if you are installing tiles in the kitchen or the bathroom. You will find that some adhesives are only manufactured for use on the floors or the walls. Therefore, be sure to select one that is tailored for your specific project. Also, you should choose an adhesive that has excellent waterproofing properties.

Working too Fast

It is easy to compromise quality with speed when you are taking on a tiling project by yourself. Sometimes you may become so fed up with the process that you find yourself getting a little careless. However, you should make sure you take your time, especially if you are working with decorative tiles. Use precision so that you will get the best results.

Uneven Distribution

If this is your first time laying down tiles, you might find it challenging to install them evenly. Use battens, which are thin wooden rods, to ensure that your tiles are equally spaced. If you are working with ceramic tiles, opt for order spacers to help you distribute them properly.

If you feel a little worried about this project, leave it to the professionals at Carpets N More. Our expert team is ready to take on your project and create your dream oasis. Do not hesitate; call us today!


2020 Interior Design Predictions

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

A fad is a general style that was typically short-lived yet very trendy or loved during its time. However, a trend is much longer and even more influential to the era. As we progress through time, we see many trends and fads come and go. Yet, some trends have been coming back into style over the last couple of years. This may be the beginning of some new trendy styles and interior design ideas. As we analyze today’s design, fashion, and social media influences, we can see certain trends rapidly growing. Today, we took a closer look at those trends and made our top predictions of 2020 interior design trends. Let’s take a look!

More Color

Interior design has been very black and white lately, yet this trend seems to be fading. Neutral color palettes are beginning to turn more colorful. While neutrals will always be in style, homeowners and businesses are beginning to take bolder approaches in their designs. Bright colors and even gender-influenced colors are becoming more common in everyday fashion and design. In fact, pink and purple have slowly become more gender-neutral colors, and they are becoming part of different color palette options. Designers that would never bring more than three colors to a room are simply adding more to their designs. Therefore, we believe color is going to become much more common in 2020’s interior design.

Mixed Wood

While a uniform design was once highly sought-after, each wood can bring a different value of character to a space. Wooden chairs not matching the wood of the dining room table, dark wood trim with whitewashed wood floors, or even mismatched bedroom set woods are slowly becoming viable options. We believe we will see many more mixed wood options in the near future of interior design.


Floral prints were once very trendy. They went out of style in fashion for a while, yet as time progressed, we saw more homeowners bring elements of nature into the home. This helped influence floral design’s comeback in the textile industry. Men and women’s fashion both reintroduced many floral prints this year. We see it actively moving into next year and breaking into many homes’ interior design as well.

While our predictions can just be educated guesses, it is always fun to think about the upcoming trends. What do you think are some trends we will be seeing next year? Do you think we will see more colors and diverse wood materials? Would you put floral designs in your own home, or do you have them already? Let us know in the comment section.


Tips for Choosing Bedroom Carpet

Posted by Carpets N More under Carpet, Flooring

Who does not love an inviting and comfortable bedroom made for a blissful night’s sleep? Sometimes, no other floor can compare to soft comfort that carpet brings. In fact, many homeowners prefer carpet in a child’s playroom or bedroom for overall comfort that it can provide. Plus, it can prevent injury from falls with its cushiony underfoot. There are many factors to consider when picking out carpet according to your lifestyle. To help you avoid making a costly mistake and protect your investment, we have included a few helpful tips for picking out the perfect carpet for your bedroom. Let’s take a look!

Carpet Type

At Carpets N More, we will ask you general lifestyle questions to educate and guide you to what type of carpet best suits your needs. That being said, it is important to educate yourself by researching the types of carpets online. This way you have a better understanding of the products that our sales representatives recommend.


Try not to buy the least expensive padding. The padding helps to absorb noise, adds an extra layer of comfort, and provides additional warmth during cold winter months. Also, keep in mind that a guest bedroom will not have as much traffic as a master bedroom; therefore, you can choose a thinner padding in rooms that are not used frequently.

Watch Your Budget

When shopping and budgeting for carpet, ask your Carpets N More sales representative to help you find a carpet in your price range. We want to help you find the carpet of your dreams at a price that agrees with your bank account.


If you have children and pets, you might want to stay away from shag and high-end carpets. Go for a carpet that is easy to maintain and clean. Stain-resistant carpets can help with accidental spills and makes overall carpet cleaning easier. Additionally, textured carpets and patterned carpets help to camouflage dirt, footprints and vacuum cleaner tracks. Only install cut pile and multi level-loop carpets in low to medium traffic areas since these types of carpet trap dirt and resist cleaning.


Remember that carpeting carries many, many warranties. You will see five and ten-year warranties, matting and crushing warranties, wear warranties, and guarantees for stains and overall appearance. The better quality carpets will provide more coverage through warranties. Your Carpets N More professional will help with your questions regarding warranties.

At Carpets N More, we strive to provide expert service and educate our customers on their purchases. If you have any questions while you explore the different types of carpets, please do not hesitate to ask one of our sales representatives.


What to Do with Your Lawn During the Fall

Posted by Carpets N More under Outdoor

Lawn maintenance is essential year-round. During the fall, you want to be sure you get your yard cleaned and ready for the winter months. For step-by-step instructions on what to do with your lawn this fall, we have created this simple guide for you. Let’s take a look!

Supply List:

  • Gardening Gloves
  • Rake
  • Garbage Bags
  • Lawn Moss Herbicide
  • Border Fork
  • Topdressing
  • Stiff Brush
  • Autumn Lawn Fertilizer
  • Hose


Step One: Remove All Dead Leaves

Rake away all of the dead leaves that have fallen in your yard. Put the leaves in a pile then put them in garbage bags for collection. 

Step Two: Kill Moss

Taking a lawn moss herbicide, you will want to kill the moss in your yard. 

  • Pro-Tip: Experts recommend figuring out why you have moss growing in your yard. Potential reasons are poor drainage, low soil pH, lack of nutrients in your soil, or an excessive amount of shade.

Step Three: Dethatch Your Yard

Grab your rake and begin raking out the thatch from your yard. 

  • Thatch is dead/alive shoots stems, and roots in your lawn. The build-up of thatch can negatively impact the growth of your yard; therefore, you want to remove thatch with a rake. 

Step Four: Aerate The Soil

Taking a border fork, you will want to push it down into the soil to open up air channels.

Step Five: Add in Your Topdressing

You will want to add in your topdressing into the holes you just created from aerating. 

  • Topdressing can be found at local home improvement stores, or you can make your own with a simple DIY project. 

Step Six: Make The Topdressing Even

Take a stiff brush and gently spread the topdressing around the top of the soil. Make sure that you have applied the topdressing evenly. 

Step Seven: Fertilize Your Soil

For this step, you want to make sure that you get the appropriate fertilizer for your lawn type. Once you purchased autumn lawn fertilizer, you will want to sprinkle the seeds over your yard. Be sure to use garden gloves for this step! 

We hope you enjoyed these steps and that your yard flourishes this fall! 


Home Security Investments

Posted by Carpets N More under Hints and Tips

Our homes are a place of refuge. We should always feel safe at home, like ourselves, and our possessions are protected. In today’s crazy world, investing in home security is a great, added way to help secure your household. Technology advancements have made home security very feasible for all homeowners. Whether you are renting an apartment or living in your dream home, home security is an investment you will never regret. So if you are interested in upgrading your home’s security features, here are three easy home security mods your home needs:

Security Cam

Security cameras use to be only for the wealthy class; however, technology has come a long way! With nearly every phone having a camera built-in, cameras are becoming the norm. Investing in an outdoor security cam or placing an indoor camera near a window can help alert you if there is any suspicious activity happening at your home while you are away. This can let you rest assured that you have eyes on your home at all times throughout the day. You can also use old cell phones and tablets and connect them to Wi-Fi. Download an app to allowing them to video record movement in your home. By downloading an app on your personal device, you can always check on your place.

Door Alarm

Investing in a door alarm will let you know when an intruder has entered your home. You can buy an alarm system that will call the police if you do not approve of the entry. This is an excellent deterrent for any home invader. You can also find a more cost-effective route by purchasing a simple door alarm. When someone opens and closes a door, the alarm will be set to ding. This simple investment can go a long way.


Security is essential, but what happens if it is not enough. It is best to always keep your valuables in a safe. Make sure the safe is large enough that it cannot just be carried away with an intruder. You can also install smaller safes into cabinets and wall fixtures to prevent them from being found and stolen.

Keep your home safe. While the chances are slim of a home invasion, these simple precautions can have you prepared. You can get most of these home security investments set up and installed over a weekend. Rest assured, knowing your home is protected. Remember, your home’s security is just another form of home insurance.


Tips for Improving Your Home’s Air Quality

Posted by Carpets N More under Hints and Tips, Uncategorized

Do you ever wake up in the morning and check the weather? Most smartphones will allow you to check the weather, humidity, and air quality instantly. These are all important factors we consider when going about our days. Poor air quality is not an optimal day to go for a walk and spend hours outdoors. That being said, poor air quality can also be present in our homes. There are several ways to ensure your home’s air quality is optimal. For the best air quality in your home, make sure you are following these simple steps:

Air Purifier

Homes can be full of airborne pollutants, toxins, pet allergens, and unwanted odors. Air purifiers can filter your air and help create the purest atmosphere in your home. You can also find units that not only filter the air but deodorize it as well. This is an added benefit you should consider in your home.

Change Your Filters

Your air purifier and your home’s HVAC system will both have air filters. These ventilation systems, whether heating or cooling, can get dirty filters. Keeping these filters clean is optimal in improving your home’s air quality. The more you are using the units, the dirtier they become. Make sure to check your filters at the beginning of a change in season when you are going from heating to cooling or cooling to heating your home.

Add Some Plants

Plants are a natural remedy to incorporate in your home design since they are natural air enhancers. Plants give off oxygen, which can improve the quality of breathing air in our homes. Make your home feel more revitalizing by adding plants throughout it. Remember, plants are alive and need sunlight exposure and water. So this may not be optimal for every room in your home.

Clean Hard and Soft Surfaces Regularly

Dust and allergens do not only reside in the air, but they can easily burrow into your carpets and other textiles in your home. Hard surfaces are easier to clean and can usually just be wiped or mopped. However, carpets, blankets, and upholstered furniture can all hold onto these nuisances. Make sure to deep clean your home regularly to eliminate these pollutants and improve your home’s air quality.

Air quality may be overlooked in your home, but a clean home should always be a top priority. Make sure you have the best air quality in your home by including these simple tricks to your house. For more insight on home improvement and more, make sure to subscribe.


Things to Consider When Choosing Flooring

Posted by Carpets N More under Flooring

The time has come to choose new flooring for your home. Sometimes, we are so busy with our everyday, normal tasks that we often overlook the importance of choosing the floors for our home. It is important to take into consideration how they will affect the home’s functionality and style. At Carpets N More, we have listed a few topics to consider when choosing the correct flooring for your home. Let’s take a look!

Daily Activity

Your lifestyle is critical when choosing the right floors for your home. Do you have children, pets, friends, and family coming and going? If so, your floors must withstand heavy traffic and be resilient to moisture and dirt. Ceramic tile and vinyl flooring are durable and ideal for high-traffic areas. Hardwood floors are durable but can succumb to scratching and over time, require refinishing. If you prefer a soft underfoot and have minimal traffic, consider carpet or using area rugs over hardwood and tile flooring. Just keep in mind the function and style of each room and choose your floors accordingly.

Specific Room Tips

Foyers and entryways should always have a warm welcome and introduce your home’s style. A key factor to remember for entries is to prevent dirt and debris from being tracked into the house. If snow, rain, mud, and sand are elements in the entryway, consider stone, tile, or luxury vinyl. Make sure you place an entry mat at each door to trap and absorb as much of the debris as possible. To protect your entryway’s interior floors, rugs are always the perfect solution. They are functional while adding a pop of color to enhance the foyer’s design.

Family and great rooms are active rooms, so remember that area rugs are ideal. Many people still prefer carpet in bedrooms simply for the softness and warmth on bare feet. Keep in mind that kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry/utility rooms are considered “work areas” and the flooring should resist water.

Flooring Cost

Flooring is priced per square foot for the product with additional labor costs. Understanding flooring pricing is an essential factor in keeping you on track and within your budget. Keep in mind the product’s quality for your price range. Another factor to consider is the flooring’s lifespan. Floors need to be maintained, and the type of flooring you choose will depend on how often you must replace them.

At Carpets N More, we are here to answer any questions you might have about flooring. Stop in to our beautiful showroom today for more information. One of our expert sales associates looks forward to working with you.

Now that you have installed beautiful hardwood floors from Carpets N More, we wanted to share a few helpful tips for prolonging the life of your floors. Of course, you want to protect your investment and preserve the natural beauty of your hardwood floors. That is why we wanted to focus on five precautions you should take with your hardwood floors. Let’s take a look!

Clean Flooring

This is an essential task for maintaining and extending the life of your floors. Just like other chores, if you maintain the chore on a day to day basis, the chores will not pile up. Simply sweep and dust mop the floors daily to prevent dust and dirt from spreading. This will also eliminate allergens in the home and prevents the floors from becoming scratched. Also, you will not be chasing those pesky dust bunnies, especially if you have pets! For additional cleaning procedures, only clean your floors with products recommended by the manufacturer.

No Sharp Objects

Do not forget that high heeled shoes can scratch and damage hardwood floors. Simply remove your shoes when you enter and place them in a designated storage area in the foyer. If you are a pet owner, keep your pet’s nails trimmed or purchase footies for your pets.

Floor Protectors

Invest in inexpensive floor protectors to place under furniture to prevent scuffs and scratches. These protectors are also marvelous for sliding large pieces of furniture over hardwood floors. They not only prevent scratches but make it so easy for one person to move furniture, especially for cleaning.

Direct UV Sunlight Exposure

Do not forget that sunlight can and will fade the color of your hardwood floors. During the peak hours of the day, use window coverings to eliminate the sun from directly hitting your hardwood floors. Area rugs are another great way to prolong the life of your floors while adding comfort, texture, and pops of color. Another helpful tip is periodically rearranging the furniture to allow the flooring to age naturally.

Accidents and Spills

Clean spills quickly with a dry cloth or paper towel to prevent staining and discoloration of the natural color. Again, only use cleaning products recommended by the manufacturer.

For advice on your specific hardwood floors, it is always a good idea to look at your manufacturer’s website. Additionally, a Carpets N More sales representative would love to help you with any further questions.

The cool, crisp winds are drifting in and pushing out the summer heat. The green leaves begin to golden as the smell of pumpkin spice and cider fill the air. Autumn has arrived, and we could not be any more excited! It is time to start preparing your home for the season and showcasing your fall pride. Like most seasonal décor, the sooner you can facilitate these décors, the better! Fall is all about the enriched warmth of the atmosphere being showcased before winter finally hits. Being able to highlight some of these beautiful and fun attributes and around your home is a must! If you are preparing to decorate for fall, here are three simple guidelines to remember:

Plaid Patterns

Whether for the interior or exterior of your home, plaid patterns are great for the fall. You can incorporate them by switching out some textiles in your home, such as blankets, rugs, curtains, and even throw pillows. Add a mix of warm and cool tone plaid to your home for design variety.

Festivity Pride

Halloween and Thanksgiving are both great holidays in the autumn. Your fall décor can give homage to these holidays through various techniques. Consider adding a cornucopia as your table’s centerpiece, or you can add fall harvest around the exterior of your house, such as corn stalks, pumpkins, and squash. Scarecrows are also a fun idea to use outside your home. The options are truly endless for this fun-filled season.


Scent is a considerable aspect of design that can often be overlooked. You could have a gorgeous home, but if it smells bad, you will not be many hosting guests. Likewise, a house with beautiful scents, no matter the size, can quickly become homey and inviting. Decorating for fall can be more than just trinkets and décor. Facilitating fall scents can really bring your fall décor full circle. Try adding candles, soaps, and other aromas to your house. Fall scents can consist of cinnamon, pumpkin spice, burning firewood, apple, and much more.

By adding these techniques to your home, your place will be beautiful and ready for fall. Get creative and let your design express you. It is great to add décor, which can easily be recognized and removed when the season is over. For more great tips on seasonal decoration, make sure to subscribe.