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The Four Seasons of Decorating: Spring

When you’re planning your home’s décor, one interesting way of looking at each space is to echo one of the four seasons. Every season has its own personality, and there are so many possibilities for bringing a season into a room.

We’ve talked about Summer, now let’s talk about spring. Think light colors and smooth textures, with a sense of freshness and shine. For flooring, natural bamboo sets just the right tone. Follow that light approach with a light, fine-grain wood for cabinets and furniture such as maple.

Bright pastel colors such as crisp yellow-green, pinks and lavenders speak to spring, and be sure to add plenty of pure whites – possibly in moldings and baseboards, and even in sheer curtains. Spring patterns in fabrics are easy to find – florals, bright abstracts and maybe a nice check can say spring if the colors are right.

Spring is about growing things, so add plenty of flowering plants in pots; tulips, daffodils and especially hyacinths for their amazing scent provide the finish to the space. Outside it may still be cold, but inside you’ve introduced spring into your home and your life.

To learn more about the other seasons, click here.

The Four Seasons of Decorating: Spring

When you’re planning your home’s décor, one interesting way of looking at each space is to echo one of the four seasons. Every season has its own personality, and there are so many possibilities for bringing a season into a room.

We’ve talked about Summer, now let’s talk about spring. Think light colors and smooth textures, with a sense of freshness and shine. For flooring, natural bamboo sets just the right tone. Follow that light approach with a light, fine-grain wood for cabinets and furniture such as maple.

Bright pastel colors such as crisp yellow-green, pinks and lavenders speak to spring, and be sure to add plenty of pure whites – possibly in moldings and baseboards, and even in sheer curtains. Spring patterns in fabrics are easy to find – florals, bright abstracts and maybe a nice check can say spring if the colors are right.

Spring is about growing things, so add plenty of flowering plants in pots; tulips, daffodils and especially hyacinths for their amazing scent provide the finish to the space. Outside it may still be cold, but inside you’ve introduced spring into your home and your life.

To learn more about the other seasons, click here.