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Turn Wardrobe Tips into Décor Tips: Part 2

Posted by Carpets N More under Rita Wilson Tips

In our last blog post, we took a look at the first wardrobe tip presented by Rita Wilson on a recent episode of Oprah. Well, there are seven more than can be directly applied to our homes.

Here’s number two:

“Trust your personal style.” Many people are tempted to simply adopt a style rather than really explore their own taste preferences. No one, no matter how talented, is more qualified to decorate your home than you are. First, sort through your style options. Look through various magazines and books. Window shop at flooring and furniture stores. Visit model homes; and really pay attention when you go to the homes of friends. Start taking notes, tearing out pages, and writing down information on your preferences. Take your time. After all, you will be living with your choices for quite a while. It’s OK to ask for advice. Your salespeople are generally knowledgeable and helpful, and want your home to turn out beautifully.

Your budget may require you to start small. Maybe you add just a piece of art or an accessory that catches your eye initially. But if you find yourself smiling whenever you pass that piece, you’ve discovered the real pleasure of making your home totally your own. To see more tips from this series, click here.


Turn Wardrobe Tips into Décor Tips: Part 1

Posted by Carpets N More under Rita Wilson Tips

The correlation between wardrobe and décor often surprises people. If you think about it though, both reflect your personal taste and provide a public vision of you. On a recent episode of Oprah, Rita Wilson, an actor and producer, as well as a style columnist for Harper’s Bazaar magazine, provided 10 tips for looking fabulous at any age. Let’s take a look at how the first of these can be applied to our homes.

Tip 1:

If you haven’t worn something in a year, get rid of it. I have personally never been able to live with this idea in my closet, but I do try to apply it in my home. Do you have accessories, curtains, pillows or mementos that really are dated or inconsistent with your taste today? Has your home become a museum instead of a living changing space that reflects both your changing taste and lifestyle? Have those once-comfortable dining room chairs gotten flat because the foam is shot? Is your carpet tired and in a color you no longer care for? Whether you’re considering a major overhaul or just replacing several dated lamps, an update in your home can be as uplifting as a new pair of shoes…or two…or three.

Stay tuned for more tips!