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2020 Interior Design Predictions

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

A fad is a general style that was typically short-lived yet very trendy or loved during its time. However, a trend is much longer and even more influential to the era. As we progress through time, we see many trends and fads come and go. Yet, some trends have been coming back into style over the last couple of years. This may be the beginning of some new trendy styles and interior design ideas. As we analyze today’s design, fashion, and social media influences, we can see certain trends rapidly growing. Today, we took a closer look at those trends and made our top predictions of 2020 interior design trends. Let’s take a look!

More Color

Interior design has been very black and white lately, yet this trend seems to be fading. Neutral color palettes are beginning to turn more colorful. While neutrals will always be in style, homeowners and businesses are beginning to take bolder approaches in their designs. Bright colors and even gender-influenced colors are becoming more common in everyday fashion and design. In fact, pink and purple have slowly become more gender-neutral colors, and they are becoming part of different color palette options. Designers that would never bring more than three colors to a room are simply adding more to their designs. Therefore, we believe color is going to become much more common in 2020’s interior design.

Mixed Wood

While a uniform design was once highly sought-after, each wood can bring a different value of character to a space. Wooden chairs not matching the wood of the dining room table, dark wood trim with whitewashed wood floors, or even mismatched bedroom set woods are slowly becoming viable options. We believe we will see many more mixed wood options in the near future of interior design.


Floral prints were once very trendy. They went out of style in fashion for a while, yet as time progressed, we saw more homeowners bring elements of nature into the home. This helped influence floral design’s comeback in the textile industry. Men and women’s fashion both reintroduced many floral prints this year. We see it actively moving into next year and breaking into many homes’ interior design as well.

While our predictions can just be educated guesses, it is always fun to think about the upcoming trends. What do you think are some trends we will be seeing next year? Do you think we will see more colors and diverse wood materials? Would you put floral designs in your own home, or do you have them already? Let us know in the comment section.

The cool, crisp winds are drifting in and pushing out the summer heat. The green leaves begin to golden as the smell of pumpkin spice and cider fill the air. Autumn has arrived, and we could not be any more excited! It is time to start preparing your home for the season and showcasing your fall pride. Like most seasonal décor, the sooner you can facilitate these décors, the better! Fall is all about the enriched warmth of the atmosphere being showcased before winter finally hits. Being able to highlight some of these beautiful and fun attributes and around your home is a must! If you are preparing to decorate for fall, here are three simple guidelines to remember:

Plaid Patterns

Whether for the interior or exterior of your home, plaid patterns are great for the fall. You can incorporate them by switching out some textiles in your home, such as blankets, rugs, curtains, and even throw pillows. Add a mix of warm and cool tone plaid to your home for design variety.

Festivity Pride

Halloween and Thanksgiving are both great holidays in the autumn. Your fall décor can give homage to these holidays through various techniques. Consider adding a cornucopia as your table’s centerpiece, or you can add fall harvest around the exterior of your house, such as corn stalks, pumpkins, and squash. Scarecrows are also a fun idea to use outside your home. The options are truly endless for this fun-filled season.


Scent is a considerable aspect of design that can often be overlooked. You could have a gorgeous home, but if it smells bad, you will not be many hosting guests. Likewise, a house with beautiful scents, no matter the size, can quickly become homey and inviting. Decorating for fall can be more than just trinkets and décor. Facilitating fall scents can really bring your fall décor full circle. Try adding candles, soaps, and other aromas to your house. Fall scents can consist of cinnamon, pumpkin spice, burning firewood, apple, and much more.

By adding these techniques to your home, your place will be beautiful and ready for fall. Get creative and let your design express you. It is great to add décor, which can easily be recognized and removed when the season is over. For more great tips on seasonal decoration, make sure to subscribe.

From dewy yellow to creamy avocado, we have seen fad color schemes come and go in the kitchen area. However, the white kitchen design is a scheme that never seems to go out of style. Whether it is white on white or white warmed with wood tones, you cannot go wrong. In this article, you will discover why white has an enduring value.

If you are gearing up to remodel your kitchen, there is no doubt that you are about to spend a considerable amount of money. To get the most out of your investment, it is important to select a design that will still look great years from now. Here are a few reasons why an all-white kitchen is the best way to go:

Clean and Fresh

Featuring an all-white color palette all over your kitchen gives it that clean and fresh feeling. In fact, white will give your kitchen that healthy glow that is hard to achieve with any other color. Did you know that in the 1920s white was often associated with health and sanitation? To achieve this super fresh look, you will need to select a pure white look that is void of grey undertones.


Whether your goal is to design your kitchen to reflect a contemporary or traditional kitchen, white is a color that can seamlessly blend into any style. In addition, since this is a standard color offered by all manufacturers, you will be able to easily find accessories, tiles, appliances, and furnishings that are within your budget.

Super Chic

An all-white kitchen does not have to be boring. Everything does not have to be white. In fact, black or stainless steel appliances can help you create the perfect balance. You can also mix in other neutral finishes such as wood, glass, and steel. For instance, glass cabinetry and stainless steel range hood is a great way to mix things up in your design.

Visually Expands

Because white reflects color, it can visually expand a space. If you have a small kitchen, a predominately white design will make it appear bigger than what it actually is.

Increases Resale Value

White is very marketable. In the future, should you decide to put your home on the market, your all-white kitchen will add some brownie points. It is simple to work from for potential buyers, and they will notice that when they come to see your home.

What are your thoughts on the all-white kitchen look? Yay or nay? Let us know in the comment section!


Tips and Tricks for Creating a Gallery Wall

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Plus, they are always a great focal point to have as a piece of artwork in a room. That being said, a gallery wall is made up of dozens of pictures in all different shapes and sizes. Hanging a single image can only depict so much; however, a gallery wall has to power to entirely create the room’s theme. This is a great addition to any bedroom or living room to help enhance the space’s design. If you are considering a gallery wall, here is everything you will need:

Photo Theme 

A gallery wall is a great way to create a theme in a room. If you were to add one picture of a log cabin, your theme might feel like it represents the painting. Yet, a gallery wall, on the other hand, could encompass the art of the mountainside, birds, and a sunset, all separately from your cabin picture. Now your one-sided theme is opened up to a much larger landscape. Decide what you would like your gallery wall to express. Maybe it is simply positive vibes or pictures with loved ones. Select all the pictures you are going to use and have them printed or purchased before you begin with the frames. 


You have a lot of flexibility in your design. You can choose to have all your gallery wall just on canvases with no frames. You can also mix and match wall art to help add depth to your gallery wall. When it comes to hanging pictures you have had printed; however, you may want to consider matching frames. A great rule in art is creating harmony. Nothing will make your wall flow more homogenously than incorporating the same frame design. 


Before you just start putting nails in your wall, calculate out your layout. Find an area on the ground and lay out the pictures exactly how you want them to be on the wall. You may want to consider the same spacing generally when adding pictures while incorporating landscape and vertical pictures to give your gallery wall more flavor. The layout is the most important part, so make sure you like how it looks. Also, consider where you will be hanging the pictures. While the layout may look fantastic on a 6×6 space on the ground, it may not translate well onto a wall that is 11×22 in dimensions. 

Creating a gallery wall is a great way to enhance your theme. Your gallery wall can still be the focal point of the room, yet it has the privilege to incorporate so much more than one image. What theme will you make your gallery wall? Let us know below in the comment section and for more great tips and tricks, make sure to subscribe!

Of course, you are in love with your tall walls and high ceilings. In fact, such depth makes your home feel more spacious, open, and it allows for the perfect opportunity to capitalize on natural lighting. While tall walls and high ceilings are a dream for many homeowners, it can be challenging to decorate spaces with such depth. In this article, we are going to discuss simple ways you can enhance your tall walls and ceilings so that you create a stunning design. Let’s take a look!

Darker Colors Add More Drama

In smaller spaces, darker colors can completely close off a room, making it appear smaller. However, with high ceilings and tall walls, dark colors will create an intimate and dramatic look. If you are apprehensive about painting your entire space a dark color, consider creating an accent wall using darker tones. It will help amplify the height without overwhelming the design.

Artwork Is a Must

When decorating tall walls, artwork is a must. The best way to complement your tall walls with artwork is to scale up their size. So you will want to choose large pieces that spread over the expansion of your walls. Horizontal art pieces will fill up the emptiness without being overpowering, whereas vertical artwork will also make a bold statement. Vertical art on your tall walls will draw your eyes upwards. You can stick to a single, bold piece of art, or you can venture out and create a gallery. If you are interested in creating a gallery or a grouping of art pieces, be sure to mix up the sizes for a unique look.

Dabble in Textiles

For a super modern look, consider dressing your tall walls in textiles. Find the right swath of fabric that goes with the theme of the room. For example, you can use wooden rods to mount the swath of fabric on the wall. Depending on the scale of the wall, you can install multiple swaths of fabrics.

How do you currently dress up your tall walls and ceilings? Do you already use any of the tips we mentioned? We would love to hear your feedback below in the comment section. Thanks for reading!


You have spent hours determining what would be the perfect color for your walls, and then you realize “what about the interior trim?” The trim is the finishing touch that does not often get much attention. Many people choose to simply leave the trim the color that it has always been without giving consideration to the beautiful alternatives available. Whether you are thinking of applying a fresh coat of white paint to the trim or using another bold hue on it, here are some ways you can get the look you want:

White Trim

Of course, classic white is always a great choice. Whether you have a plain trim or a more elaborate trim molding, using white paint is always a safe choice. White also works well with colored walls or even white walls. When you pair a white trim with a bold-hued wall or an accent wall, the white trim will further highlight or frame the wall. Also, using white on the trim is a great way to tone down a dominant wall color. The white trim will steal some of the surface area, and the bold hue will not seem as if it is swallowing the entire room.

Neutral Trim

Dressing the trim in a neutral shade is bound to give the room a look of sophistication. Giving the trim a neutral color like grey or brown will create a stately appeal — a neutral trim pairs wonderfully with traditional decor. However, if your style leans more towards contemporary, you can add more modern furnishing to give the room more character. Opt for a neutral trim if you want to highlight an architectural feature, if you have a colored ceiling or if you love a transitional style.

Bold Trim

Are you interested in stepping outside the box by painting the trim a bold color? Since trim typically consists of a small strip of the surface, using bright colors like pink, blue, yellow, or green introduces a pop of color to the space. Bold color trim may be an ideal trim choice for you if you want an eclectic look or if you want to add a new hue without going all out on the walls.

What are your thoughts on trim colors? We would love to hear your opinions in the comment section.


Tips for Planting Indoors

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

There is nothing that brings the outdoors inside better than plant life. Plants will add that natural element to your home that it may be missing from your design. If you have not planted inside prior, you may want to weigh out some of your options. You can have easy to maintain plants like bamboo and more difficult plants like orchids. Plants come in all different shapes and sizes. You should research plants before buying them and consider if they are pet-friendly, shade tolerant, need direct sunlight, need extra humidity, and if they are easy to kill.


Consider how much you are willing to invest in your plant. Some plants can just be temporary like cut roses you sit in a vase for a couple of days, whereas others may be around for quite some time. Also, determine how big your plant will get and if it will eventually need to be moved outside. Plants are great to put as a centerpiece on tables and even as accent trees in corners.


If you are worried about taking on your first plant, you can take on an easy plant like succulents or cacti. Low-maintenance plants should not die if you forget to water them. Also growing herbs in your kitchen like parsley or cilantro is a fun hobby if you like to cook. Try keeping your first plant in a room that you find yourself in most of the day as this will help you to remember to water it as well.


Maybe keeping a plant alive is not your thing; try faux plants. These are great for adding greenery to rooms and can be put in hard-to-reach areas as well. Faux plants are great because you have no maintenance, so you can put them just about anywhere in your home to add some green to the room. Try putting them up above your kitchen cabinets or even on a bookshelf. It is incredible what a little green plant can do to a room aesthetics.

Adding plants around your home is a great way to make it feel livelier. Keep plants by windows so they can get their needed sunlight and do not forget to water them. Whether you go with a beautiful bush or a cactus, this is a great addition for any home.


How to Maximize Your Small Space

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating

Whether you live in a small home, apartment, studio, or loft, you understand the struggle of a small space living. Being able to facilitate every square foot of the room is critical! While it can feel daunting at times to maneuver through your space, it is essential to understand the fundamentals of what makes our homes feel small. Being able to maximize your space and understanding different tactics to make it feel larger is vital! To help, we gathered the four most important tricks you need to use in your home:

Light Colors

How light travels through a room affects our perception of a space. A room with a dark ceiling may feel like it does not have much height. Likewise, a room with dark walls can feel very confined and limiting. Simply adding light, airy colors, you can make a room feel larger. You can incorporate this in your paint theme, furniture, and décor. Light colors do not always have to be neutral; you can add light pastels as well to keep the room feeling open yet colorful.

Airy Curtains

Natural light will also allow a room to feel more open. By adding light, transparent curtains, you can allow more natural light to enter the atmosphere. Airy curtains will make the space feel more elegant and larger.

Smaller Rug

Area rugs are great at making a room feel more inviting. However, some people get the size wrong. An area rug does not need to feel like a wall to wall carpet. A small area rug does not set boundaries to the room but adds comfort. Investing in the right size area rug can visually open the room more.

Open Furniture

Lastly, invest in open furniture. Minimalistic furniture can prevent setting boundaries. Envision a bulky, ornate bookshelf in a room. Now, picture one that is more open and less pack. The more open layout bookshelf will allow you to see the walls. It prevents setting boundaries in our minds, and this can help make a room look larger.

Do not let your small home restrain you from your ultimate design. Finding and manipulating your space takes time, but is worth the endeavors. How do you get the most out of your small space? Let us know in the comment section below and make sure to subscribe.


When it comes to interior design, most people fear using bold colors. If you are not afraid of using color or are interested in dabbling with hues in your living space, you might want to consider investing in a bold colored sofa. In fact, a vibrant hued sofa can liven up your living room and completely transform a space. Introducing color through furniture is a great place to start. Here are four sofa colors you might want to try:


Are you slowly developing a tolerance for color? If so, consider infusing the space with a deep, luxurious blue-hued sofa. Blue is a color that most people can easily tolerate since it is calming and still considered traditional. In addition, a blue colored sofa can complement a range of decor styles and designing a living room around such a piece is not a challenge.

From light baby blue to deep navy, there are many different types of blues you can select for your sofa color. If you want to make a significant impact, you should opt for a vibrant, blue color. Depending on the shade, you can pair it with neutral elements and natural materials.


Green is another calming color that looks great in any living room style. Since green is often associated with nature, it is bound to make you feel relaxed and at ease. When searching for the perfect green couch, consider investing in an emerald-hued sofa. Emerald is a rich color that gives off luxe vibes. A green sofa works well in a contemporary or traditional style room. Also, emerald works well with other colors such as pink, yellow, and blue.


Yellow has come a long way in the design world. It is no longer associated with a dated style. Just think, a vibrant yellow sofa can inject so much life and energy into a space. From mustard, buttercup to sunshine yellow, there are a variety of shades you can choose from in the yellow family. Yellow is a sleek and clean color that pairs beautifully with neutrals and other vibrant hues.


Purple may be the last color you would think to use in your living space, but a purple sofa could be just the thing that your living room is missing. Purple is often associated with elegance and makes for the perfect piece if you desire to inject richness and character into your living room. For a royal touch, be sure to try out a purple sofa.

Which sofa color sparks the most interest in you? We would love to hear your thoughts below in the comment section!

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Window Treatment Trends

Posted by Carpets N More under Design and Decorating, Window Coverings

Are you looking for ways to refresh your home’s design? If so, it may be the perfect time to reconsider your window treatments. While textiles, colors, and accessories add visual interest to the room, your window solutions can be the thing that grasps the attention of your guests. If you are ready to get creative, here are some unique window treatment trends that suit all budgets and styles:

Decorative Window Films

A lot of common window treatments are drapes, blinds, and shutters, but window film can provide privacy while letting in natural light. Decorative window film is made from a flexible vinyl substance that is cut to fit each individual window. You can find window film in a variety of colors, finishes and there is a range of patterns from florals to geometrics. Decorative window films are generally inexpensive.

You may be wondering, where are some areas in the home that really benefit from window film? You can get creative in your kid’s bedroom by choosing a film featuring a funky design. Combine with curtains for more privacy. In rooms such as the kitchen that do not require a high level of privacy window, the film would be a great alternative option.

Jewel Tones

Curtains and drapes with rich jewel tones like deep, dark reds, subtle blues, and rich greens can be great additions to any room. These hues create an air of sophistication and will make you feel like you are living in a luxurious space.

Personalize Your Window Treatment

Customize your window treatments to your personal taste by adding some embellishments. This is a great idea for store-bought pieces. You can add trim to cafe style or standard sized drapes and curtains. Go further by adding beads, shells, and buttons as you see fit.

Natural Elements

Using window treatments that are derived from natural or organic materials have become a popular choice. To embrace this trend, you can select window dressings such as matchstick blinds, woven shades, or bamboo design. You can combine such earthy materials with sheer linen panels for added detail.

Layering Shades

Another trend is to layer different types of shades. For example, you can install a sheer shade next to a window that has a blackout shade hanging from it. You can also layer a sheer curtain with a thicker drape on top of it on one window.

How do you dress up your windows? We would love to hear your style and inspiration in the comment section.
